Every Sunday, our Mandarin language worship services are livestreamed here at 8:35am while our English Language worship services livestreams at 10:30am. You can also join our on-demand webcasts at any time after the services are completed. Note that the quality of the livestream is not as reliable as the completed webcasts and so it is often better to watch them after the service is completed if you are experiencing technical issues.
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While you are watching the video, you can also follow along with our new e-bulletin on another device. Use the QR code below to access the e-bulletin.E-BULLETIN – 電子公告
Sunday, September 19, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 1:1-6, “But they delight in doing everything God wants them to” sermon transcript | Bulletin
Saturday, October 24, 2020 Grant Lee’s Celebration of Life: “A Life Beautiful” “I believe the journey of life is rooted in story.
Each of us is a story and has many stories to tell. These stories enable us to inform others of who we are and perhaps who we long to be and how God manifests God’s self in the world.”