
    • This Week’s Announcements 2/23/25
    • This week’s altar flowers are from Bao Yu Xie.

  • Food Bank Collection and Love Feast (1st Sun. of every month): Next Sunday March 2nd, we will collect non-perishable food items for the Kaumakapili Church Food Bank. We will also have the monthly Love Feast at 11:30am, after morning worship, in the Masters Hall Gym!

  • Women of Worship (WOW) Bible Study: The Now and Not Yet Bible study by Ruth Chou Simmons continues on Saturday March 1, from 8:00–9:30 AM in Room 103, Founders Hall. All women are welcome!

  • Men’s Breakfast: Join us on Saturday, March 15, at 9:00 AM in the conference room! Donuts will be provided and you are invited to bring something to share! We meet every third Saturday of the month.

Membership & Baptism: Membership and Baptism Classes are available in February and March. To become a member, you must have attended for at least three months. Baptisms will be held on Easter Sunday, April 20, during our sunrise service at Ala Moana Beach Park. To sign up, speak with Pastor Jon or email