- This Week’s Announcements – 2/23/25
This week’s altar flowers are from Bao Yu Xie.
Food Bank Collection and Love Feast (1st Sun. of every month): Next Sunday March 2nd, we will collect non-perishable food items for the Kaumakapili Church Food Bank. We will also have the monthly Love Feast at 11:30am, after morning worship, in the Masters Hall Gym!
Women of Worship (WOW) Bible Study: The Now and Not Yet Bible study by Ruth Chou Simmons continues on Saturday March 1, from 8:00–9:30 AM in Room 103, Founders Hall. All women are welcome!
Men’s Breakfast: Join us on Saturday, March 15, at 9:00 AM in the conference room! Donuts will be provided and you are invited to bring something to share! We meet every third Saturday of the month.